Mr. Jackson

As in most homes, the heart can be found in the kitchen. We find that to be truer with our seniors. We meet in the kitchen for just about everything. I look at my grandmother and remember that cooking was how she showed her love to us. We lived a much simpler life fifty years ago. Still today, all of us cook, eat and socialize in our kitchens. It is the heart/hub of our lives and home. Let’s help our aging family members have a great experience as they continue to live on their own. Getting the kitchen senior ready is one of the most important things we can do.

We know that all homes are different and people are too. So, be sure to evaluate the home in question with the seniors that will live there. Do this before any renovations. This will allow you to make the necessary changes needed for those individuals. Here is a list we have compiled any senior choosing to age in their own home. We have included some important how and why information of remodeling. This list is a small recommendation of what will need to be discussed with your Kitchen Designer.

  • Upper wall cabinets should be installed 3” lower at 51” above the floor
  • Decorative accent strips at the countertop edge provides visual assistance
  • Extra countertop landing spaces flanking all appliances
  • Extra accessories for ease of storage
  • Thought as to appliances and their placement, the dishwasher
    can be raised for a more pleasant experience when loading &
  • Appliances should have easy to read controls



There is a plethora of information needed to be sure the remodel or new home are prepared properly. Ergonomic design consideration is key in designing for seniors. Be sure to find a Qualified Kitchen / Bath Designer to guide you through this important step for your loved one. We also need to consider design for seniors that are going to be living in multi-generational homes as well. Is our preparation helping to make them feel welcome? Are we planning for the new resident in our home to be an important addition to the family lifestyle?

Seniors Aging with Dignity

The Center for Disease Control defines “aging in place” as “The ability to live in one’s own home and community safely, independently, and comfortably, regardless of age, income, or ability level.”

Can we define older people by age alone. Not really. There is a wide range of components that will help you decide. Most people are lumped into the “old-age” group at age 65. So as your designer we must take the family member or friend in question into consideration. As you can see this is a process that has many important question that must be addressed before any plans are made.

Cornerstone Cabinet Company will be pleased to help you prepare for the senior(s) in your life. We will give your individual the courtesy and respect they deserve. Whether they plan to stay in their own home or move in with you, Cornerstone Cabinet Company is your resource for cabinetry and design!